How is electricity produced in Estonia? Energy Discovery Centre’s new exhibition The Story of Our Energy gives an overview of the different energy sources used and the overall energy production in Estonia.

Estonia is very dependent of oil shale at the moment. At the exhibition, we take a look at how oil shale is mined, and how it is made into shale oil, which is a much more efficient fuel. We also talk about how sustainable energy sources are becoming more and more important, and how Estonia can benefit from using more wind and solar energy. We also compare different fuels and their energetic value to see which are most effective.

The exhibits are mostly hands-on. The exhibition was sponsored by the Estonian national energy company Eesti Energia which is celebrating it’s 80th anniversary in 2019. The exhibition was built by TM Development.

1 3 Energia avastuskeskus. Eesti energia. Energia avastuskeskus. Meie energia lugu. Eesti energia. Põlevikivi. Taastuvenergia