How did the treasures of the Earth emerge? What traces of prehistoric life can we find in the ground? How do volcanoes and earthquakes affect us? The Energy Discovery Centre’s popular science film Treasures of the Layered Earth is a great addition to the geography studies of schoolchildren, and it also a good reminder to older viewers.

The film’s authors are Kertu Saks, Aare Baumer, Aleksei Mutovkin, Mélanie Mariétte Muljar and Juho Kirs. The is narrated by journalist Scott Diel (English version), actor Tõnu Kark (Estonian version), actor Eduard Toman (Russian version), and children’s author Mika Keränen (Finnish version).

The production of the film was supported by the Estonian Research Council and the Ministry of Education and Research. It premiered on 16 February 2016.

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