Safe Visit

With the COVID-19 safety label, trusted to us by Visit Tallinn we confirm that we follow the requirements and instructions of the Government and the Health Board of Estonia ( established for our industry or field, that we keep up to date with the information, and that we help visitors comply with the infection-prevention guidelines on site.

We wish that all visitors have a safe and pleasant time discovering, playing, and learning at the Energy Discovery Centre. Therefore we welcome visitors who feel well and don’t have any illness symptoms.



  • The Centre has a lift.
  • The main entrance is downstairs from street level. If you are visiting the Centre with a pram, pushchair or wheelchair, please choose the glass door to the right of the main entrance and ring the doorbell. You will be met by one of our guides, who will show you to the lift that will take you to all floors of the Centre.
  • If you’re visiting by car, see this map for nearest parking lots.


  • Wash or disinfect your hands. Toilets can be found by the main entrance and on the lower level of the Centre. Disinfection stations have been installed close to the stairwells on all levels.
  • There is also an accessible toilet with a baby-changing table on the 1st floor.
  • If you cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your sleeve or use a tissue and then dispose of it immediately.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes.


  • Ticket sales end half an hour before the Center is closed.
  • Tickets are valid for leaving and returning to the center on the day of purchase.
  • No refunds are given on purchased tickets.


  • You can find the open cloakroom next to the Ticket Desk. Please bear in mind that the cloakroom is not under surveillance.
  • Visitors are welcome to use lockers to store their personal belongings. Please request a key from the Ticket Desk.
  • We kindly ask you to keep an eye on the key. The Centre has the right to demand compensation in the amount of 20 euros if a key is lost.


  • All our exhibits are safe to use but please read the instructions before using the exhibits.
  • Following the guide’s instructions during lightning and static electricity demonstrations is mandatory.


  • There are vending machines at the Centre that sell coffee and snacks, water and juice.
  • You may enjoy your snacks and drinks at the Resting Area. Please don’t bring snacks and drinks to the exposition halls.


  • Please keep in mind that the Centre has CCTV.
  • Taking photos and filming at the Centre is permitted. If you would like to photograph or film for commercial purposes, please contact us at
  • Please don’t bring pets to the Centre. Guide dogs are welcome.
  • If you feel unwell or are exhibiting virus symptoms, please postpone your visit to the Centre.

We hope you have a great time discovering!