16. 12. 2019

Santa Claus will be visiting the Centre on 21 December

This Saturday, 21 December Santa Claus will be visiting the Centre!

The celebrations start at 11.30 with a Christmas performance by the Magnum Chamber Choir. Santa will arrive at the Centre right after the lightning demonstration at 12:00. He will be meeting kids and families under the Christmas tree in the Lightning Hall until 14:00.

Regular entrance tickets apply, but tickets to Planetarium screenings are on offer with a special price – 1 € per visitor. The screenings are in English, Estonian, Finnish, and Russian, so please request a screening in English from the Ticket Desk.

11:00 Doors open
11:30–11:50 In the Lightning Hall: carols by the Magnum Chamber Choir
12:00 In the Lightning Hall: electricity demonstrations
12:15–14:00 In the Lightning Hall: meet Santa Claus
12:30 In the Planetarium: Stardust and Sun Family
13:00 In the Planetarium: Lightning Strikes!
13:30 In the Planetarium: Treasures of the Layered Earth
14:00 In the Lightning Hall: electricity demonstrations
14:30 In the Planetarium: Stardust and Sun Family
15:00 In the Planetarium: Lightning Strikes!
15:30 In the Planetarium: Treasures of the Layered Earth
16:00 In the Lightning Hall: electricity demonstrations
16:30 In the Planetarium: Stardust and Sun Family
17:00 In the Planetarium: Lightning Strikes!
17:30 In the Lightning Hall: electricity demonstrations
19:00 Closing time